Course announcements
- This course provides participants with an overview of the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (RAP). The goal in this course is to create a single SAP Fiori app touching every area needed to develop and deliver this app to the SAP Fiori launchpad.
- After a short introduction to SAP S/4HANA and SAP Fiori, the first goal is to develop CDS projection views on top of existing data model views using the ABAP Development Tools (ADT). Exposing the CDS projection views as a business service makes it possible to consume the model data in a SAPUI5 app, which is built using SAP Fiori elements.
- Using the behavior of a RAP business object, transactional processing is enabled in the app. Determinations, validations and actions are also implemented in the app through this. As additional functionality draft- support and value helps are made possible in the app. A further step is then the creation of catalogs with tiles and target mappings to make the app available in the SAP Fiori launchpad.